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Nicolas Décamp, Denise Orange-Ravachol
RDST, n°27/2023
L'évaluation et l'enseignement des sciences et des technologies
Assessment and teaching of science and technologies
The question of evaluation is particularly present and lively in educational systems. Yet, paradoxically, it does not appear to be a subject of primary importance in science and technology education research. This issue of RDST attempts to take stock of what this research has to say on this subject.

Georges Liénard, Émile Servais, Stéphane Bonnery
Capital culturel et inégalités sociales
Cultural capital and social inequalities.
Morales de classes et destinées sociales
Class morals and social destinies
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
The (re)publication in the Bibliothèque Idéale des Sciences Sociales (Bi2S) of the work of Georges Liénard and Émile Servais finally brings to the attention of the scientific community an unjustly unknown investigation.The new preface by Stéphane Bonnéry, underline its precursory character for the sociology of education and children.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Matteo Palumbo
This special issue, which is intended as an advisory report, analyses the up-heavals brought about in Italian universities by the Covid-19 pandemic, both in educational relationships and in the impact of distance from the space which is usually a hub for university life and the transmission of knowledge.